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Ozone Generator Edmonton Ozone generator for rent Edmonton Before Doing a Treatment ozone Oztap

Ozone generator for rent Edmonton

Do it yourself "for rent"
Call 780 9958343
We have rental units starting from $65 for 2 day minimum
 Following is a sample of units for rent
DC Pro 970P
For Rent
Ozone generator for rent Edmonton 950 mg/hr AC or DC

$65 for 2 day rental


Medium - Best unit for cars or one room

Do it yourself for the house
UV PRO 4000

for the whole house

Ozone generator for rent   4000 mg/hr

$125 day rate

or $200 for 2 day rental

The UV PRO 4000 is designed for use as a shock treatment tool only.
Or better still have us do it  
Have us do it while you are at work with our most effective ozone generators. 
Ask about our half day shock treatment of your home, office, warehouse.
Treat your home for smoke, mould, pet odours, and more.
This process involves applying Commercial Ozone generators for 2-4 hours, depending on the size and severity of the problem. 
 Please call and describe your problem and we will advise you of the cheapest and most effective method.
Call 780 9958343 or 780 4785381  
We have larger units for more serious mould and smoke damaged homes  
  Ozone generator for rent